AdSense Revenue Sharing

We offer AdSense revenue share for a specific period, to selected members who contribute high quality and valuable content. Revenue sharing is applicable in almost all sections of this site including Forums, Articles, Reviews, Jobs and so on. In case of Articles, you will get 90% AdSense revenue share from your articles. In case of Forum threads, AdSense Code of all authors in the thread will be rotated based on the Points received by each author. The higher the points you receive from the thread, higher the chances you have of using your Ad Code. Active members can receive AdSense sharing for a period of one year, or even more, from each article/content they post. Adsense Revenue Sharing will be reviewed on every anniversary date and all those who are active through the year and fulfil the eligibility criteria will be given extension on year to year basis.

You should have your own AdSense account and the revenue will be credited directly to your account. Any attempt to artificially increase clicks for your AdSense account may result in permanent disabling of your AdSense account from this site.

Provide your AdSense Account details

The below ad is a live AdSense ad and it is rendered using your pub id “pub-7998976120676943”. DO NOT CLICK on your Ad shown below since it would be a violation of AdSense policies. Clicking on your Ads will result in termination of your AdSense account.

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Provide the Pub Id from your AdSense account. Pub Id starts with the letters “pub-” followed by a number.

Ex: pub-317001610240998


AdSense Pub Id:

Adsense API revenue sharing is not yet activated on the site. Please Check back later as we propose to implement the Adsense Revenue Sharing model after complying with the Adsense TOS and Program Policies. However, if you are an existing Adsense Publisher then you can add our URL at or in your AdSense account settings at Access and Authorization by checking the box before Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account and adding the URL without Http://. By doing so you will be getting 100% of Adsense revenue share from the articles/resources or your contributions at our site which is approved by Google Adsense.


  1. You may share your articles written on our site with your family, friends, co-workers and social networks as a link forwarding as publishing the same content or copied content elsewhere may downgrading the ranking of your articles in Google Search or other popular search engines.
  2. Don’t ask or encourage your friends, circles  or family members to either click on Google ads on your pages or you, yourself indulge into clicking on your own ads or those of people you know. This will quickly result in getting you or your friends, authorized to display Google ads, banned from Google’s AdSense and it is very difficult to convince Google for getting your publishing rights to be reinstated.
  3. In the near future, we will make it possible to submit your Adsense Profile to Google through Google developer API platform.  Till then we request you to conform to the eligibility criteria as given in my Adsense Profile Link which says that the member has to qualify the minimum of 5 eligibility criteria out of 6 criteria and has to build up online reputation through ethical means. As we are following IndiaStudyChannel and HubPages as our role models, we plan to implement maximum common best features of both the AdSense revenue sharing sites and it will be possible only through your continuous love towards WebQuestionAnswers, Social Website, launched on “No Profit No Loss”.