How to help save the bees & butterfly – hplcco

How to help save the bees & butterfly – hplcco

What you can do in your garden to help bees and butterflies. Bumble bees are one of the most important pollinators of our native plants. Using of chemical products or pesticides and herbicide bees are dying now. Save bees save earth – hplcco

1.Avoid chemical products: Don’t try to spray pesticides. Pesticides are a main criminal in Colony Collapse Disorder, and the most ideal approach to help honey bees is to quit showering the stuff!

2. Plant a honey bee well-disposed living space. Pollinators require a place to fertilize, and by giving honey bee cordial plants in your yard.

3. Save the bees and put away the pesticides or chemical: Honey bee hurting pesticides and herbicides are embroiled in honey bee decrease.

4. Provide water: bees and pollinators need water to live. So making a water source is a good way to help bees remain longer in your yard.

5. Plant a mix of bee-friendly seeds and grow plants: the honey Bees need diverse plants for nutriment – from trees, hedges and shrubs, to bulbs, herbs and grasses

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