Is there any change in WQA Rules and Regulations?

Is there any change in WQA Rules and Regulations?

As per WQA rules and regulations articles with a minimum length of 500 words are published and articles with more than 1000 words earn Cash Bucks of Rs.25-00. But now it is seen that even articles as short as 300 articles are approved and awarded 25 cash bucks. Is there any change in WQA Rules and Regulations?

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1 Response

  1. Ashok Goyal says:

    @Spiderman, There is no change or dilution in WQA Rules and Regulations. But it is the discretions of the webmasters to approve or disapprove any article, any question, any answer, any comment, any review on WQA. It is the well-known policy of Web Question Answers to encourage writers with lesser technical skills to write freely on WQA website. You are also welcome to write short articles and you can also send your referral link to your contact and friends who hesitate to write on big websites due to fear of getting disapproved only because of lesser technical skills. We are of the confirmed opinion that with the passage of time every beginner can become an Expert.

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