4 Natural Remedies to get rid of Warts

4 Natural Remedies to get rid of Warts

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Warts on the skin are one of the annoyances that can cause HPV or, the human papillomavirus. Although there are different varieties of this virus the most harmless are the main responsible for a symptom that although painlessly is quite unpleasant from the image point of view. The areas of the body where warts are most found are the neck, eyelids, feet, hands, breasts, and armpits. However, they can also occur in other areas.

In general, they do not cause discomfort. But this does not prevent them from transmitting the virus since it is enough with a quick contact because of which healthy skin is affected. The most frequent treatments to eliminate warts are based on cauterization. But to get it done, it is necessary to visit a specialist which is often expensive. So you can use some effective home remedies to make them disappear.

Given below are four home remedies for the same.

1. Vitamin C
As it is an acid pH component, it has very good effects when it comes to treating warts. The treatment consists of crushing a vitamin C tablet and mixing it with water until a uniform paste is obtained. This ointment is applied locally in the affected area. It should remain like this for about fifteen minutes. Thereafter, it can be removed with water.

2. Lemon juice
Lemon juice is another acid substance that is easily available for the treatment of warts. This ingredient also has ideal antiseptic and antiviral effects to get rid of the problem. All you have to do is to squeeze a lemon and dip a small cotton piece or a cloth in the juice and rub the affected area. This must be repeated several times in a day.

3. Garlic paste
Garlic is one of the most powerful substances to fight bacteria and viruses, making it excellent for eliminating warts on the skin. Garlic is crushed to a paste. This is applied on the wart which is then covered with a clean cloth. The most practical thing is to do it at night so that the skin is in contact with the garlic for several hours. To increase the effect, garlic can be included in the diet, preferably raw.

4. Castor oil and Baking soda
Castor oil mixed with sodium bicarbonate increases its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It also helps the skin to get its natural color. This remedy is an alternative to quickly eliminate warts and prevent their appearance in other parts of the body.

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