6 Steps to Alleviate the Effects of Antibiotics

6 Steps to Alleviate the Effects of Antibiotics

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Everyone knows that antibiotics are strong medicines that help cope with a large number of different diseases. When antibiotics did not exist, people died due to almost all kind of disease even from the elementary stage, in terms of medicine. After the time when the medicines became a strong, effective science and practiced in curing our diseases, antibiotics began to be perceived as a magic potion for the human kind. But is it?

We often forget that under the action of these medicines not only pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, but also useful bacteria that participate in the processes of vital activity of the organism. And after receiving the full course of medication, we ask ourselves: how to restore health and recover? After taking antibiotics, first of all, the intestine suffers. The first task is to restore the disturbed micro flora in it.

Following are the 5 steps that may be followed from then on.

1. Keep the water clean: Needless to say, this rule, first of all, refers to the residents of the city, because of the tap often flows water, treated with chlorine, and sometimes completely rusty. Buy a filter for water purification or drink water, which is sold in stores in large plastic containers.

2. Eat more fermented foods: They contain bifida bacteria and lactobacilli – small helpers of your health, which will restore the intestinal micro flora naturally. In addition, the stores offer a range of delicious and healthy products.

3. Necessary requirement: always pay attention to the expiry date of the medicines. All the eatables that are close to expire, not only do not carry any benefit to your health, but they can also cause considerable harm.

4. Do not neglect the use of special preparations that restore micro flora and take them correctly. In order not to harm yourself, if you are not sure how they are taken, consult an expert and choose the right medicine.

5. Eat cereal bread, beets and garlic. Get rid of all foods that cause the fermentation process in the intestines, such as sweets and yeast foods.

6. Eat steamed products cooked well and exclude fried products.

Antibiotics take time to be removed from the body. Therefore, they have a direct effect on the functioning of not only the intestines, but also the body as a whole, suppressing its immunity. Of course, the intake of these drugs can be minimized by engaging in sports, following proper nutrition and reconsidering the attitude towards life and health.

However, in the event that recourse to medications is unavoidable, take them strictly according to the doctor’s prescription and do not neglect the recovery and cleansing of the body after this.

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