Is normalization process in scoring process good or bad?

Is normalization process in scoring process good or bad?

Many exam aspirants recommend normalization process in competative exams because all days didn’t get equal papers.But some people say due to normalization their respective scores are deducing.

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1 Response

  1. Navneet Sood says:

    @helloworld2017, Madam Mounica, First of all, let me welcome you to WQA. You have raised a very good question but in my opinion, this should have posted under Forum Topic under Forums. The question or topic in the post appears to be a type of Forum Discussion.

    Anyhow Normalisation, as used in the Indian context, is a process for ensuring that students are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by the difficulty of exams that they do for the Boards. This process is used in other countries with similar issues as in India.The normalization process is also used for different papers to ensure that any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different sessions is accounted for with the assumption that the abilities of candidates are the same across all the sessions/papers.

    At webquestionanswers, the authors write articles on topics of their choice which ignites questions and forum discussions. To start with it is suggested that you write articles on topics of your interest and you will start getting questions, answers, and topics for general discussion. Happy journey at WQA.

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