Important Notice about online applications for Voter Card
Important Notice about online applications for Voter Card
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While applying online for Voter Cards by uploading Photo Identity of prospective voters along with their Aadhaar Card the Government Portal returns the message that Voter Card will be issued to the applicant after 28th March, 2016 against online application. Public is informed that they should keep the reference number preserved for checking after 23rd March 2016. You need to have the following documents while applying for Voter Card for the first time:
- Aadhaar Card of the Applicant.
- Aadhaar Card of the Father, Mother or Guardian.
- Photograph ( We will scan it Samadhan Kender).
- Mobile Number and Email ID. (We will create email ID for you if you do not have one)
Note: It has been observed that the Aadhar Card Holders have not provided their Mobile Number and email Id in their Aadhaar Card and not providing Mobile Number and email ID in Aadhaar can result into denying of following facilities to the Aadhaar Card Holders. Visit Samadhan Kender Rajpura to know the procedure to add your mobile number and email ID in Aadhaar Card. Following facilities are denied to the defective Aadhaar Card Holders:
- Aadhaar Card Holders without Mobile Number can not download their Aadhaar Card online as the UIDAI allows aadhaar card to get print of their Aadhaar Cards online which is possible only if Mobile Number is linked with Aadhaar Number.
- Aadhar Card Holders without Mobile Number can not get the facility of Free DigiLocker of Government of India to keep all their important documents online which can be accessed through mobile number anywhere, anytime 24x7x365.
- In case your aadhaar card gets lost then you will have to pass through vigorous process of lodging FIR and getting the duplicate Aadhaar Card issued. But in case you have provided the Mobile Number in your Aadhaar Card then you can get the Colored Copy of your Aadhaar Number, which will be as good as original, any number of times even 100 times as GOI has enabled the e-aadhaar facilities to indian citizens.
Note: Link Your aadhaar card with your income tax number and you will not have to submit the hard copy of your income tax return to CPC Bangalore for a IT Return up to Rs.5 lac. Linking with Aadhaar Card will be equivalent to your Digital Signatures.
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