Take Measures to Avoid Cold

Take Measures to Avoid Cold

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As the name suggests ‘common cold’ or cold, affects every one of us at any point of time in our life. It is the most common infectious disease among human beings. On an average, grown-ups people suffer from cold infections at least two to four times a year, while children can get sick due to colds from six to twelve times a year, which is about monthly once. For this simple reason, there is nothing surprising in the fact that colds are the most common cause for the children to miss their schools, tuition classes, and colleges, and the adults do not go to work.

By and large, cold viruses spread from people who are already suffering from it. When they also catch a cold, they start suffering by sneezing, coughing etc. How does a man or woman get colds? Have you ever thought of it? Any healthy person can get colds by touching objects such as door handles, handrails in public transport systems, tableware and so on that are hit by the cold droplets from an infected person. At the same time, it must also be borne in mind that not everyone can get sick from exposure to the cold virus if they follow a few of the preventive measures.

One of the most effective and easiest preventive measures to avoid getting colds and other infectious diseases such as influenza, in practice is by following good hygiene. Here are a few tips:

You should never forget to wash your hands on a regular basis. Washing your hands will not only protect you from exposure to the cold virus but also prevents the spread of germs. So, wash your hands with warm soapy water for about fifteen seconds.

You should also remember the fact that about ninety percent of germs and viruses that cause cold lie under our fingernails. Because if this, it is very important for you to ensure that the soap and water penetrate under the fingernails too. If you wish, you can use a soft brush to clean under the nails, and then rinse with lukewarm water. If soap and water are not readily available, it is always better to use a good hand sanitizer. As you know, today, lots of sanitizers are available in the market. Please keep in mind that disinfectants are alcohol-based and for this reason, they should not replace soap and water for daily use.

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