Follow 5 Easy Steps to get online Color Voter ID Card within one month
Follow 5 Easy Steps to get online Color Voter ID Card within one month
Enter Your Email
Follow 5 Easy Steps to get online Color Voter ID Card within one month:
Check Your Eligibility:
- That you are a citizen of India.
- That you are an ordinarily resident at the address to be filled in Form-6 online since the exact date from which you are residing at the current address.
- That you have not applied for the inclusion of your name in the electoral roll for any other constituency.
- That your name has not already been included in the electoral roll for this or any other assembly constituency and if it is already included then the details thereof need to be informed in Form-6.
Follow the Registration Process:
- First of all ensure that you have valid and accessible email ID of your own along with your own active mobile number to get the Voter ID Card online. In case you are using the mobile number of any of your friend or relative please ensure that you have access to the mobile and the number is never discarded. Similarly if you are using email ID of any of your friend or relative then ensure that it is accessible to you. It is suggested to have your personal email ID and mobile number number to have better control over your voter ID as it will enable you to change your address and new mobile number if future if you want to update your details on the national voter portal of Government of India. You can contact the election office via your registered email ID an mobile number in future. Never give you office email ID as it is risky to use non-generic email ID while managing your personal affairs.
- Now start the registration process by visiting National Voter’s Service Portal [] and selecting/clicking the option under new registration.
- After you click the new registration option you will be asked to fill in your details online. Fill in those details very carefully based upon documentry evidence. Never try to fill in misleading or wrong information. Providing wrong information or misleading information is a cognizable offence and can attract imprisonment. ( Caution: Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, is punishable under Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950)
- Upload your latest color photograph with white background.
- Save the online Form-6 and review it for any inadvertent mistakes which might have crept in while filling the form online. National Voter’s Service Portal allows you to reedit and/or change the details within 15 days of submission. After submission the user can check the status of Voter ID Card Application online.
- After submission of online application and upload of documents and photo, the Booth Level Officer (BLO) of your area, appointed by election commission, will visit your residence to verify the correctness of documents uploaded by you. The BLO will also collect the hard copies of all the documents uploaded by you and may also inspect the originals.
- After the collection of documents by the area BLO the color voter ID card will be sent at your home address by registered post within one month of the visit by the BLO.
- You will have to upload the documents separately for address proof and ID proof. Acceptable proofs are Passport, Matriculation Certificate, Birth Certificate, PAN Card, Driving License, Aadhaar Card, Bank Passbook, Electric/Water/Gas/Phone Bill, Form-16 issued by employer and scanned copies of any two documents will be sufficient. Ensure that there is no mistake especially in your name as per Matriculation Certificate and DOB as per Birth Certificate.
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