Our Brand – WQAINDIA
Ashok Goyal
Our Brand – WQAINDIA

June 22nd, 2021
Ashok Goyal
Your Trust Our Inspiration
Brand Names are not established in a day or two. It takes a long time to get established as a Brand Name. We make friends after thorough testing and testing through hard times and Trust is reposed in only a few friends. Changing the loyalty is like divorcing a life partner when you are convinced that it is difficult to pull on with the relationship anymore. That is why Big Brands build up customer relationships not only to retain their existing customers and followers but also to build up communities of loyal customers and followers. Based upon this ideology, we launched Web Question Answers under Brand Name as wqaindia. The origin of WQAINDIA originated from the first three letters denoting the name of our website followed by country of our origin, as we firmly believe that we must love our country where we are born. One must feel proud to be an Indian, American or British as it conveys the sense of belongingness, rather calling as Asian or European which conveys the meaning denoting regional isolation in the Global Community. Whenever we come across Brands, either we reject it or we accept it. Acceptance is a form of recommendation, which popularizes the Brands in a small region within a country, throughout a country or nation, world regions or around the Globe and based upon such popularity Brands get marked as regional brands within a country, national brands, regional brands in the world or Global brand. We do not boast to be a global brand name though we may have followers and admirers in other countries too. The trust reposed by our admirers or followers inspires us to perform better on this platform of sharing knowledge. We do not manufacture products but we do manufacture Ideas and Ideas and the readers have given us the strength to increase our installed capacity of manufacturing brand new ideas. That is the reason we have chosen the caption Your Trust Our Inspiration along with our Triangular Logo for Web Question Answers where questions are answered by experts to generate more questions to be answered further by super duper experts and the cycle goes on towards an endless journey. AUTHOR’S UPDATE OF DECEMBER 22, 2017: The trust reposed by the Public in us – made us work harder and harder and the House of Web Question Answers launched two following exclusive websites for dealing with the Financial Problems and CIBIL Problems being faced by the public:
- CIBIL Consultants: CIBIL Consultant, website was launched on 1st January 2017 to solve the CIBIL Problems of the Indian Public online. We are overwhelmed by the Public response from all the 29 Indian States. We are really impressed that public, in general, is becoming more responsible in the arena of Digital Transparency in India. So far the public was under the impression that they can go Scot-free even if they do not repay their bank loans and despite the fact that the public was financially sound to repay, they started thinking of willful defaults to get waivers of loans. In India the controversial Tau, the ex-Prime Minister Chowdhary Devi Lal, while announcing the first ever Loan Waiver scheme for farmers, played havoc with the sound Indian Financial Systems and the people were made to believe that they need not repay the Bank Loans and wait for such waiver which is still continuing and all Political Parties are using it as an Election Plank to woe the electorates. Now take the case of Punjab, UP and Gujarat state elections, every political party tried to win elections by announcing farmer loan waivers in their manifestos. What about those who have not taken loans or who do not want to take loans and remain self-dependent? Such individuals will start thinking that they are fools that they neither took loans and hence nor they ever defaulted in making repayments. Is not our Indian Political Systems encouraging the public to get debt-ridden without generating any National Income or adding anything to the GDP of India? Presently almost all the public has started feeling the heat of Bad Credit History and that’s why so many companies like CreditSudhar, credit consultant, CreditMantri, CreditAdvisor, CreditMaster with no experience about building Credit Histories have started appearing on the internet web just to misguide and mislead the individuals with Poor Credit Score and History. I, the founder-owner of CIBIL Consultants have been approached by thousands of individuals searching for genuine CIBIL Consultants who can solve all the CIBIL Problems online thus enabling them to get the loans sanctioned without any rejection. I once again thank the general public for their love, affection, and Trust reposed by them on CIBIL Consultants. I assure on the part of Team CIBIL Consultants that we will come up with your expectation and we will deliver what we promise in time bound programme.
- Samadhan Kender: I also thank the public in general for reposing confidence in the working of Samadhan Kender – which was split into two different entities for the convenience of the Public w.e.f. 01-03-2017:
CIBIL Reports, Resolution of CIBIL Disputes, CIBIL Clearance (All Banks), Income Tax Returns, IT Notices, Payment of Taxes, Problems with PAN, Passports, DigiLockers (GOI), Bank Death Claims, Insurance Claims, Succession Issues, Drafting Wills, Legal Financial Matters, Translation of Deeds and Birth Certificates. Selecting Partners for CIBIL Consultants.webquestionanswers@gmail.com and contactus@xpertconsultants.in or Join Whats App Premium Group – Solve CIBIL Problems OnlineRead our Terms and Conditions for CIBIL Resolutions |
CIBIL Consultants448Dalima Vihar Near Lakshmi Narain Mandir Rajpura 140401 Punjab. |
Aadhar Enrollment, Updation and Print, Voter ID Print and Update, Passport Appointments, Deposit and Withdrawals from Banks, SBI – CSP Services, Money Transfer Western Union, Ria and Transfast, PAN Cards, DigiLockers, Astrology, Utility Bills, Railway and Cheap Air Tickets, Pension Payments, Life Certificates.samadhankender@gmail.com |
Samadhan Kender, Patiala Road, Near Bikaner Mishtan Bhandar, Rajpura 140401 Punjab. |
Ashok Goyal
Web Question Answers
A community of Real People.
Tags: Credit Report ConsultantsSamadhan KenderUseful WebsitesWebQuestionAnswersWQAINDIA
Ashok Goyal
Hi members, I am Ashok Goyal from Rajpura - Punjab, a town near Chandigarh. I am a retired Chief Manager from a Top Nationalized Bank in India with 35 years of experience. I am the CEO-cum-Founder of this site made for Young and Old, Technical and Non Technical members to spread their knowledge across the Globe. I am a Science Graduate with an M.A. in Economics and C.A.I.I.B. (Certified Associate Life Member of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance since 1980 and a Social Worker authoring many Blogs for the benefit of the Public in General. I Graduated from Patel Memorial National College, Rajpura - 140401 and secured a Master's Degree in Economics from Punjabi University, Patiala - 147001 Punjab, India. Expert in Legal and Money Matters, may it be Banking, Investments, and Insurance or Fraud investigations. My Hobby is to share Knowledge and alarm the younger generations about the practical implications of transacting online. I am available at many Social Networking Sites. I am health conscious and like reading deeply about anything related to health and nutrition. In the case of any violation of objectionable content, the images on my authored links or on this site, you can either report me directly or you can file a DMCA complaint about the removal of the content. I do not like spammers and never hesitate to report the abuse of my profile information. I am the owner of the WQAINDIA Brand hosting self-hosted Question Answers Site at Web Question Answers. In Jan 2016, I founded Samadhan Kender at Rajpura - which is now talk of the down. In January 2017, keeping in view the Identity Crisis in India I found that the Public was facing difficulties in their CIBIL Reports - I started my best ever venture at CIBIL Consultants to solve the CIBIL Problems of the Public online. CIBIL Consultants is having its client base in all 17 states in India.
© Copyright - Ashok Goyal – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This is my original work and I do not like any content to be copied or posted anywhere on the web or elsewhere. All the articles available on my social profiles are exclusively owned by me. If you like my articles then you can visit my articles and provide the URL as a link, without any copyright infringement, on the website or blogs which are not having any adult content related to sex, violence, hate-redness, or religious fundamentalism as per Google or Facebook TOC.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site or elsewhere - under my Profile Name is for general information purposes only. The information provided by me is simply educative to the best of my knowledge and belief. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability about the information, products, and services being displayed on this website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or my profile anywhere on the web. We welcome feedback, comments or healthy criticism on any article or content on this site or my own work anywhere on the web. I owe my success on the web to IndiaStudyChannel to Tony John, Webmaster at ISC. I am also a featured author at HubPages, Global Site for writers and Authors. This site is dedicated to my countrymen to sharpen their online skills to compete for the world. The public can also get their CIBIL Reports rectified professionally at very low prices – when big corporations are charging as much as Rs.25000 per person per Credit Report.
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