How to Use GOI web directory – States Districts Local bodies Suvidha Centres
Ashok Goyal
How to Use GOI web directory – States Districts Local bodies Suvidha Centres

June 7th, 2021
Ashok Goyal
Purpose of the Directory
The objective behind the Directory is to provide a single point source to know all about Indian Government Websites at all levels and from all sectors. An attempt has been made through this directory to provide comprehensive, accurate, and reliable and one stop source of information about Government websites in India.
- Union Government : websites of union Government Apex bodies, Legislatures, Ministries, Departments, Organizations, Academics/Institutions, Autonomous Bodies etc..
websites of State & Union Territory Government Apex bodies, Legislatures, Departments, Organizations, Academics/Institutions, Autonomous Bodies etc..
websites of District administration & Local bodies like Municipalities, Town/Village Panchayats etc..
websites of Supreme Court of India, High Courts, District Courts, Tribunals/Boards and other Judicial entities
websites of Indian missions in other countries, Foreign Missions in India as well as UN and other International Organisations in India.
The Websites in the GOI Directory are also grouped and listed under 30 different Sectors like Agriculture, Education, Health, Tourism etc..
The content in this Directory is the result of a collaborative effort of various Indian Government Ministries and Departments, at the Central/State/District level. It is our endeavor to continue the enhancement and enrichment of this Directory in terms of website coverage, design and technology on a regular basis.
For further inquiries related to your issues (Say High Court Cases Listing Status) you can go to links for > Your State > Your District Judiciary > District Courts Punjab > High Court Chandigarh >
Your Case Status . You can also know your
Case Listing Status. You can also know the Status of your case via SMS as under :
Punjab and Haryana High Court Chandigarh introduces:
SMS to 56767
To know Case Filing Status, send SMS Text as
Like PHFS 230852.
Tags: GOI Web Directories
Ashok Goyal
Hi members, I am Ashok Goyal from Rajpura - Punjab, a town near Chandigarh. I am a retired Chief Manager from a Top Nationalized Bank in India with 35 years of experience. I am the CEO-cum-Founder of this site made for Young and Old, Technical and Non Technical members to spread their knowledge across the Globe. I am a Science Graduate with an M.A. in Economics and C.A.I.I.B. (Certified Associate Life Member of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance since 1980 and a Social Worker authoring many Blogs for the benefit of the Public in General. I Graduated from Patel Memorial National College, Rajpura - 140401 and secured a Master's Degree in Economics from Punjabi University, Patiala - 147001 Punjab, India. Expert in Legal and Money Matters, may it be Banking, Investments, and Insurance or Fraud investigations. My Hobby is to share Knowledge and alarm the younger generations about the practical implications of transacting online. I am available at many Social Networking Sites. I am health conscious and like reading deeply about anything related to health and nutrition. In the case of any violation of objectionable content, the images on my authored links or on this site, you can either report me directly or you can file a DMCA complaint about the removal of the content. I do not like spammers and never hesitate to report the abuse of my profile information. I am the owner of the WQAINDIA Brand hosting self-hosted Question Answers Site at Web Question Answers. In Jan 2016, I founded Samadhan Kender at Rajpura - which is now talk of the down. In January 2017, keeping in view the Identity Crisis in India I found that the Public was facing difficulties in their CIBIL Reports - I started my best ever venture at CIBIL Consultants to solve the CIBIL Problems of the Public online. CIBIL Consultants is having its client base in all 17 states in India.
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